02/Mar/2022 14:30 - 15:30

lang-IT Room A101, Povo 1

Company Researcher Student

Round table “Società, Benessere e Sport”

Chairman prof. Paolo Bouquet.

Wellness and sport are among the hottest sectors for technological innovation and digitalization. Lifestyle monitoring, athletic performance analysis, “fan engagement”, e-commerce, “smart facilities”, active tourism, the organization of major sporting events, media & broadcasting are examples of sectors where ICT is bringing product and service innovation unthinkable until a few years ago. Technologies such as artificial intelligence, big data, augmented and virtual reality, video analysis, sensors, cloud are at the heart of the transformations we are witnessing in the sport practiced and in the so-called sport business and constitute an excellent opportunity for companies not necessarily classified as “sports” “to acquire projects and orders. The session will try to bring out trends and new challenges that information and communication technologies can help solve, creating job opportunities and partnerships even between very different fields.

List of participating companies


Mandatory registration. Fill out the online registration form and choose the round table of your interest.