9.30 – Benvenuto
- Paolo Giorgini, Direttore del Dipartimento di Ingegneria e Scienza dell’Informazione, Università di Trento
- Alessandro Rossi, Delegato del Rettore al Supporto al sistema produttivo, Università di Trento
- Fausto Manzana, Presidente di Confindustria a Trento
- Elisabetta Bozzarelli, assessore con delega in materia di politiche giovanili, formazione, istruzione, cultura, biblioteche e turismo, comune di Trento
- Marco Senigalliesi, responsabile dell’area startup di HIT- Hub Innovazione Trentino
- Marco Formentini, Coordinatore Scientifico degli ICT Days
10.15 – Keynote Lecture di Tiziana Ferrari
Data-intensive scientific computing challenges towards 2030
International collaborations in all domains of science will see an unprecedented increase of research data to be processed in the coming decade. The generation of new scientific knowledge will be more and more dependent on the technical ability of research organizations to access and process such data, which will reach unprecedented volumes of
hundreds of Petabytes of generated data per month. In order to retain its scientific excellence and address global societal challenges such as climate change, European research performing organizations need to join forces to find common solutions to common problems.
We will see how advanced scientific computing was instrumental to support some of the most challenging ground-breaking discoveries of the past years, and we will then see how the European Open Science Cloud and the ENES climate modelling initiative are together setting the European agenda that will tackle IT research and innovation for the coming decade.
Modera il prof. Sandro Luigi Fiore
La partecipazione è gratuita ma è necessario registrarsi online entro il 28 febbraio.
About the speaker

Tiziana Ferrari is the Director of the EGI Foundation. She holds experience in European science policy and governance, open science commons, international standards, service management in highly distributed federated data and computer infrastructures, and large scale project management.
She contributed to the definition of European strategy on federated cloud and edge technologies and infrastructures in the context of the H-CLOUD project and has been contributing to the implementation of the first phase of the European Open Science Cloud by leading the first and largest implementation project EOSC-hub.
Tiziana was formerly Technical Director and Chief Operations Officer of the EGI Infrastructure, taking care of the operations coordination of the technical infrastructure, one the largest computing platforms for research in the world. Tiziana holds a PhD in Electronics and Data Communications Engineering from the Università degli Studi in Bologna.